In the highly anticipated sequel to Disney’s beloved hit, Moana 2 (2024), our fearless heroine returns for another epic adventure across the ocean. Now the proud guardian of her island, Moana finds herself torn between her responsibilities as a leader and her longing to explore the uncharted waters beyond her home. When a mysterious darkness begins to spread across the Pacific, threatening the delicate balance of nature, Moana must embark on a new journey to uncover its source.
Joined once again by the demigod Maui, her beloved friends, and new allies from distant islands, Moana faces formidable challenges, both in the depths of the sea and in her heart. Along the way, she will unlock ancient secrets, confront her greatest fears, and discover that her true destiny lies beyond anything she ever imagined.
Packed with breathtaking animation, powerful songs, and heartfelt moments, Moana 2 explores themes of courage, identity, and the unbreakable bond between people and nature.